Thursday, June 12, 2014

Off the Beaten Path - Ruby Tuesday, Colonial Heights VA

Many moons ago, when the weather wasn't so godawfully hot, I found myself in the Richmond area, with no trailer attached, and 2 days off with nothing to do. 2 days off with nothing to do? Liz, you're bobtail, there's plenty to do! (assuming the truck can get there)

So I fired up Google Maps to scout out a plan for the day, and lo' and behold, I found ways to get my truck to each place I had in mind.

First up, well, I am a girl, so I scouted out a nail salon that had high ratings on Yelp and was close by. Turns out I was about 1-2 exits away from one and the way to get there was super-easy! So off I went to go get my nails done!

Afterwards I really wanted to go to a bookstore, and at that very same exit I found a Books-A-Million that was in a nice large mall area and, again luckily for me, I had no trouble getting the truck there, so yay books! (I also came upon a Starship Enterprise pizza cutter but I'm not a Star Trek fan but I know people who would love it! and also KISS Pez dispensers that my brother would love and in hindsight I should have bought them) But I digress...

Lunch time was quickly approaching and I wanted something decent. I wanted to treat myself to something I haven't done in awhile or to a place I normally couldn't get to. Then I saw a sign and thought, you know what, we haven't been to Ruby Tuesday in a very long time...let's go check it out!

My first impression was that it felt kind of modern. Much different than the last Ruby Tuesday I had been into years ago that felt kind of dated and that they were trying to be cool. This one had style of it's own and I liked it. After looking at the menu, several things popped out at me that I felt I really had to try.

First up, the limited time lobster dip.

Now, I wasn't too sure about this but for the price I figured I should really give it a try. When I took the first bite I had a stark realization...I think this is real lobster. So I tried it again. Yeah, I'm pretty sure this isn't fake. Then I said to heck with this, let's just get some by itself so I grabbed my fork and began fishing it? lobster? fish..nevermind that was stupid... so I went fis...searching around for a big hunk o' lobster, took a bite and...yeah, I'm almost positive this is the real deal. Yummy!

Then lunch came. I haven't had steak in awhile. I'm not one to pass up a good steak but I've been burned (get it? steak? burned? nevermind that was stupid) I've been burned before by places where I thought I would get a good steak and it turned out to be rubbish. However, the choices of side items really caught my attention. Potatoes, yeah...vegetables, yeah. Wait...spaghetti squash? Omg, they have spaghetti squash?! I'm getting it! And get it I did....

The steak was wonderful, cooked just the way I had requested. The broccoli was nice, as well. However what blew me away was the spaghetti squash, which I had never tried before. It was like you were eating mashed potatoes but it was a vegetable! It was good for you! It had a stringy consistency that seemed to feel like mashed potatoes and it had a buttery flavor that was incredible! I thoroughly loved it! I think spaghetti squash might be my new addiction, it was delightful!

...and then dessert. Tiramisu. My weakness. My kryptonite. My reason for being this.....size. 

Oh heavens this looked amazing and I couldn't wait to dive into it. Coffee and creamy and not very heavy and not loaded up with cinnamon on top that spells out "Tiramisu" in case you don't know what you're eating... it was heavenly! I told friends about it! I told my mom! It was the perfect ending to a fantastic meal and afterwards as I was laying in bed my thoughts bounced between "omg I'm so full" and "omg that was fantastic"

So where the heck was I and how can you re-create this day yourself? Well loyal 18-wheelers (and equally loyal 4-wheeled friends), the Ruby Tuesday I was at is located at 431 Southpark Circle in Colonial Heights, VA. That's I-95, exit 54. Luckily for you (and me in writing) the exit coming from both directions puts you at the same stop light and intersection, so if you're coming north or south, when you take the exit, turn right at the light. Go under the highway and the mall and a variety of different places to shop and eat are on your right-hand side. Now I went bobtail which made coming and going super easy, but I did see a few trucks with trailers in there as well. 

Ruby Tuesday is a stand-alone restaurant on the perimeter circle drive so you can easily park in the mall parking lot and walk over. Books-A-Million is also located in here as well, just a little further down Southpark Circle. As for the nail salon...I'm keeping that one a secret. :p

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