Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Oh, Canada. Why do you keep being awesome?

I don't know about you, but when I think of Canada the first thing that comes to my mind is...Rob Ford. Wait, bad example. Okay let's try this again. Um...Justin Bieber! Shoot, okay, one more time.! Hockey! Maple syrup!


Ah yes, poutine. That gluttonous concoction of french fries, cheese curds and brown gravy. So good and yet so bad for you. The poutine variations are endless but the classic never gets tiresome.

But no! Leaving well enough alone wasn't good enough for Canada. Oh no. They got together collectively and thought "How can we make poutine even better?"

..and then it happened. "Why don't we use McDonald's french fries?" The country gasped in shock and awe. McDonald's french fries are spectacular. If you use them for poutine, the world might implode from the awesomeness!

Some daring food lab scientists (and probably some R&D number crunchers) got together, probably in Toronto because...why not everything else happens there..and created a food masterpiece known as:

(just for the record, it's not McPoutine, okay snarky people?!)

What mastery could be concealed in this smartly designed box that includes a wax-like lining and a well manufactured container that doesn't result in leaking gravy to get on your clothes?!


(if you need a moment to yourself, I completely understand. I needed one myself to be honest)

My only complaint with poutine until now was that the fries would get soggy and mushy and blah, but now you can have the crisp, golden, yummy goodness of McDonald's fries in poutine! 

So how did it taste? Wonderful! I devoured it. I threw all lady-like manners to the side and relished in how great this was. I would have gone back for another but...I kind of had a border to cross and a delivery deadline to make. Such is life.

I experienced this joy at the Duty Free in Fort Erie, Ontario, so if you're crossing back into the US here, you'll pass by it on the way to the bridge. If you can find truck parking, stop in and get'cha some. I'm pretty sure this is available nation-wide. What I am curious to find out is if it's better or worse in Quebec, since, you know, what's where it started. We'll see how the poutine masters can compare to the french fry masters! It could be quite the epic showdown, you know?

So anyway. Poutine just got better because McDonald's had a brilliant idea. It's worth trying, no doubt. Don't pass this up, even just for the novelty of trying something Canadian.

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