Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Liz returns to IHOP

Last time I was at IHOP, the food I ordered was a little...lacking. If you recall, I tried the IHOP version of chicken and waffles and was not impressed at all. I felt it was a half-hearted effort to capitalize on a trend. They could have done better, no doubt about it.

This time, however, I decided to give breakfast a try. Curiously enough, I was at the same IHOP as last time, The Detroiter, located just south of Detroit on I-75. This time I got a pot of coffee and tried the international crepe' passport.....I think.

2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon, 2 sausage and 2 crepes. You could get the crepes one of two ways and I looked over my options and went with the ligonberry option. What the hell is a ligonberry? I have no idea, that's the fun of discovery! I'm suffering for my food blog that hardly anyone reads, so why not.

So...crepes. Yeah I am not using the right letter e for these, I don't think. It's late, I'm tired and I don't really care. I know they're pronounced "cray-ps" so I'm not worried about spelling. You can pronounce it "creeps" for all I care, this isn't a spelling or pronunciation bee, this is just a food blog. Hey, can we stop arguing and get back to the food? Thank you...


Looks pretty harmless, right? A thin pancake with some raspberry-blueberry love child on top, what could go wrong? Well, it's probably really good....but it's not for me. For starters, while the crepe was very thin and it was folded several times to become the shape you see on the funny. That was the first thing that struck me as odd because these two crepes weren't filled with anything! I checked! I unfolded! I re-folded! 

I guess crepes aren't made with a pancake batter, either, because that was my first thought "oh, it's just a really thin pancake" but it had this odd aftertaste where I thought "okay, this isn't pancake mix" I'm not exactly sure what it was but it just tasted....weird. Ligonberry is, like I said, the love child of the raspberry and blueberry. That was the fruit you see in the picture. The lump of something in the center of the picture is like this ligonberry butter. Sure.

Would I order it again? Probably not, it...I mean....well...I was just put off by the taste of the crepe and the after taste it left behind (that's why it's called as after taste, Liz!) Would I try the other crepe option they had? Maybe? If I didn't have a food blog, probably not.

By the way, that white stuff sprinkled on top isn't dandruff, it's powdered sugar....

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