Saturday, November 16, 2013

The forgotten foods

Apparently I'm getting old.
I took these pictures and cannot for the life of me remember exactly where I was or what restaurant I ate them in. Perhaps I should set a self-imposed blog posting time limit for writing these up.

Well, let's fire up these pictures and see what memories they conjure up, shall we?

Okay. These are obviously mozzarella sticks, and the last place I had them was at IHOP because they were huge! (thanks for noticing, Liz, I've been working out). So there you have it. Mozzarella Sticks. IHOP. Big. Tasty. Big. Marinara. I don't even want to know how many calories those were.

So that wasn't so bad, let's move on to the next one. :)

Okay. Hmm. This is chicken alfredo of sorts with tomato and broccoli. And that's where the thought train derails. Going by the table, it's not the same as the above so it wasn't IHOP. Where did I have chicken alfredo last? It wasn't Petro, theirs sucks. It wasn't Country Pride. I..don't..think it was Denny's? Also, did I even like it? Did I enjoy the tomatos? So many unanswered questions....

Well that was a downer, let's try the next one.


Ah ha! A sandwich! Hey look, it's like you're looking at it through rectangle glasses. Pretty nails, by the way, I love that color! Oh wait, that's my hand. Hey, what are you doing with my sandwich?! Help! Food thief! Stop them before they get away with my crummy roasted chicken sandwich with roasted red peppers on a ciabatta bun from Denny's that I wouldn't order again! 

(did you like how I worked it all in there? Crafty Liz is crafty)

So that's it for now. The forgotten foods. I have a weird feeling this won't be the first time it happens.

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