Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rutter's...they're around Harrisburg PA

Four score and seven years ago, God created Sheetz. And it was good. Frankly, it was really good. Then God said, "Monopolies are bad, mmkay." and thus created Wawa. And it was also good. (side note: this is probably not at all accurate. I'm a truck driver, not a historian)

Then a little while later, or maybe elsewhere around the same time, heck maybe earlier..come on what is this a test?!..Rutter's was born. And it was good, but similar to Sheetz and Wawa, I mean they all have little differences but they're all basically the same concept and the same ordering system.

So unbeknownst to me then, but knownst to me now, Rutter's is a local chain to the Harrisburg PA and surrounding areas. Like, immediate surrounding areas. The one I went to was near York. Yes where the barbells are made. Will you stop distracting me with tangents?

So they sell gas. This one in particular also sells diesel and has VERY LIMITED truck spots and that's it. I was bobtail so I could park anywhere and found a lovely spot near the truck parking that was actually quite nice and peaceful.

Like I said the ordering system is exactly the same: Touch screen. Order what you want, take the receipt up to the cashier, pay for your food, drop receipt into little basket as you pick up your order. Sheetz, Wawa and Rutter's all do this. They (like those other 2) have drinks and chips and a pre-made cold snacks cooler and sandwiches and coffee and yadda yadda yadda.

So on this particular night (and this was my first time here), I tried a bevy of foods because I was a bevy of hungry. For some reason I don't think that word works the second time, but hey, I'm a truck driver not a student of proper grammar (as I'm sure you've noticed by now).

Gotta try some appetizers! or one appetizer. Since I like soup, I tried one of theirs.

Chicken and rice, I do believe. It was nice. It warmed my insides and made me happy and eager to dive into everything else I bought, such as...

MACARONI AND CHEESE! Always a popular comfort food of mine. I don't know if they make it there or if it's pre-made. Who cares, it's mac and cheese! I couldn't unwrap my fork fast enough..

Next up is the sammich. Since we're nowhere near Philly, the obvious selection was the Philly Cheesesteak!

What a freaking mess of a sandwich that looks like, eh? Steak, and lettuce and onion and you can't see it but there's ketchup in there too, and cheese. Since I've never had a cheesesteak in Philly, this is my best guess of what it *might* be like. It's probably close but not quite. Either way, this sandwich in front of me, was delish! I tore into this thing like a little kid tears into presents on Christmas morning. Loved it!

And then to wash everything down, I grabbed two Rutter's drinks. One was an obvious choice, the other piqued my interest.

The Orange Tea was surprisingly good! I was amazed at how good it was. Several times after taking a sip/chug/swig I would stop and think "man, this is some good orange tea!" I almost went back inside for a second one! While the sweet tea to the left was good, the Southern Sweet Tea that I had the next day was better. Maybe it's personal preference. Maybe it's because I'm from the south. Maybe the Southern Sweet Tea is better than the regular sweet tea. Maybe I'm craving that Orange Tea right now, omg it was so good!

So there you have it! Rutter's, around the Harrisburg PA area. They're like Sheetz and Wawa...but with different food options to choose from. In Pennsylvania, you're not too far from one of these 3 chains so check them out! Check them all out.

This particular Rutter's (with very limited truck parking) is located on I-83, south of Harrisburg. It's in Newberrytown (cute name, no?) I-83 exit 32.

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