Thursday, September 12, 2013

Liz climbs a mountain of a burger at Denny's.

While the new Build Your Own Pancake special thingymabob at Denny's really didn't catch my attention or interest, I did notice a couple *NEW!* items on the Denny's menu and decided to give them a try. I'll just warn you right now, they were both good, so if you're expecting a typical Liz food rant you'll be disappointed.

First up, a new "Build Your Own Appetizer". They give you a few options and then you decide if you want to try 3 of them, or for a little bit less you can try 2. While they offered fried jalapeno slices, I'm not really a fan and too many gives me acid reflux, so I went with two very basic standard apps:

Mozarella sticks and chips and queso! They were good. I chose these two items because I knew they would be good so mission accomplished!

This particular evening I decided to get a burger. I wasn't sure what burger to get but then I saw a *NEW!* one so I went with that. Barbecue Bacon Burger..sounds lovely. But little did I know what I was going to be expecting. Grab your climbing ropes and helmet because this is one mountain of a burger!

This is exactly how it looked when the server brought it to me and set it on my table. I'm sure if you looked closely you can see an expedition crew and a sherpa around the 3rd pickle. This burger, by burger standards, was freaking huge. Even after taking the tower o' pickles off, it was still freaking huge. I had difficulty eating this thing because it was just so...big! (no jokes about that, please)

Size jokes aside, this was good. Like really good. I mean it's so easy, too! Burger, cheese, bacon, barbecue sauce and garden on a cheddar bun. And like I said, it was really good. My only obvious complaint was to some how make it..smaller. But now that I think about it, making it smaller would either have to include a thinner burger, which would be a disappointment, or taking away the garden which although it wouldn't be as cumbersome to hold would probably take away a little something from the overall burger eating experience.

Congratulations, Denny's, you made something so good that trying to take away from it to make it a little more manageable would ruin part of the experience. I'm waving my white flag of surrender and grabbing a couple extra napkins for this beast.

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