Sunday, July 28, 2013

Why pictures aren't actually necessary here.

I've noticed that for food blogs, in order to be considered for some groups, there must be pictures on 80% of the blog posts. I'm sure that's all well and good for food blogs of local restaurants and such but um, I'm only focusing on restaurants and fast food chains within truck stops. And the beauty of such places is that they already have pictures on their menus of many of their items. Therefore, I don't really feel it necessary to take pictures of what I'm eating because someone else already did that and it's up on the menu. They pay professionals to do that. I could take pictures but to me it seems redundant. Also, how often does the item you unwrap look like the picture?

Now granted I'll take a picture if it's bad. That Shoney's Strawberry Pie is a good example of that. But if it looks close to what's on the menu or if you can go to said restaurant and see it right up there on the menu, I don't see a reason why I need to post a picture as well.

If that's going to keep me out of food blog circles, then I guess I'll just deal with it.
I could be lazy and steal pictures from the company websites but I think that's copyright infringement and I like staying on this side of the prison walls, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I actually like looking at the pics you have taken of your food, because to be honest I'm too lazy to go to a different website to look at a picture! So I think you should post more pics, just sayin'!!
