Monday, July 29, 2013

A return to Shoney's

When my truck was broke down in Greensboro, having a Shoney's next door to the hotel meant I had several opportunities to try offerings at a place I had never been to before. As you may (or may not?) recall, last time I was there, I loved the Kentucky Hot Brown and had a surprising disappointment with their strawberry pie. This time the opposite happened: dinner was slightly disappointing but dessert was phenomenal.

That night I decided to try their steak. I've had what passes as 'steak' at truck stop restaurants so I was longing for an actual steak. So I ordered what to me would be an average size cut (8oz I think?) with mashed potatoes. I think the soup and salad bar was included in that.

It arrives and it looks perfect...until I cut into it.

Now I order my steaks medium rare. This thing was still rare, which tells me the grill was too hot. The outside, again, looked perfect, the inside, not so much. So I worked on everything else on my plate first hoping the server would come back around to ask how things were so I could send it back for a couple more minutes on the grill.

Finished the rest of my salad, nothing. Started on the potatoes. Nothing. Finished said potatoes, nothing. Finally I figured he just didn't care to check back on me so I ate it. I've had rare steaks before, not my preference, but whatever. The outside was well seasoned but to some it may be a little too peppery. It was one of those rare times that I didn't need A1, which is always a good sign to me. That's pretty much how I judge how well seasoned and cooked a steak is: if I need A1 with it or not. So I'm happy to report that they at least did get this part right and sauce wasn't necessary. Now if they could have just cooked it right, I would be doing cartwheels and singing their praises. Ah well, can't win 'em all.

However, dessert was a different story. Forget the strawberry pie, this should be the dessert they promote the most. It's a hot fudge cake. 2 pieces of chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream in between with hot fudge drizzled/poured on top. It...was....HEAVENLY. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a woman and therefore have the "Any kind of chocolate is amazing" gene. A few friends do not have this gene so therefore, your argument is invalid. Wait, you weren't even having an argument? Well now this is awkward. Let's just move on to the picture then....

Just look at that piece of magnificence right there. It's tantalizing. It's appetizing. *ahem* It looks like the picture in the menu (I had to throw that jab in there). It tastes as good as it looks. No actually it tastes even better than it looks. It was heavenly. It was wonderful. It was delicious.

You should really try this. It's incredible. It could create world peace. It's just that good.

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