Sunday, July 28, 2013

Subway's Apple Orchard Chicken Salad

Now, I don't know about you, but I'm not a big fan of complex tastes. Simple dishes usually turn out the best and adding too many things to a dish can actually ruin it. With that in mind, let's go over to Subway and try their Apple Orchard chicken salad.

Chicken salad, by itself, is pretty easy to make. Diced chicken, mayo, maybe some celery for crunch. However, Subway felt a need to kick it up a notch and add fruit. Why? I'm not exactly sure. How does it taste? I'm not exactly sure.

So take that basic chicken salad and add in: diced apples, yellow raisins and cranberries. Voila! You have Subway's Apple Orchard chicken salad. Who in their right mind adds raisins to anything? I can see the apples if they would have taken out the celery, but now you're getting a little too crunchy in my opinion with both. The raisins and the cranberries though, I'm not exactly sure why those were mixed in. The mayo it's all mixed with kind of washes out the flavor of both. It adds some interesting texture, that's for sure, but I really couldn't differentiate what was what while I was eating it. It all kind of ...blended together. I could taste the chicken, I could taste the mayo, I had some crunch that I determined was either apple or celery and then I had these mushy things that just seemed to add some bulk to the mix.

It wasn't the best, it wasn't the worst. Would I order it again, most likely no.

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